First thing first, let me introduce myself. That picture above is me. My name is Sulthan Gibran Junaedy, and I still studying in Universitas Tidar Magelang, and my student number is 1910302132, I am from class 4 of English Education Department 2019. That's hell of a detail introduction. I was born in Magelang, on July 14 2001, and still live there. I know how hard life can be since I was just in highschool. I used to study in SMKN 3 Magelang and took Hotel Accomodation study programme. Oh, and you can call me Sulthan. And about what I love, I love DC Comics. I collect their comics, I watch their live-action or animated adaptation, I buy their action figures, merchandises, I even decorate my room with the posters of their characters, especially The Flash and Batman. Both are my favourite DC characters. I also plays music instrument sometimes, like keyboard piano, I also loves to make movies. I make short movies once or twice, and still likes to do it. Why do I chose English Educ...
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